Altar Server |
Eucharistic Minister |
Lector (Reader) |
Choir Sunday / Cantor Saturday (Circle) |
Lead Rosary before Mass |
Usher / Greeter |
Sacristan |
Church Decorator (Christmas/Easter) |
Communion to the Sick |
Prayer Group |
Transportation (Mass) |
I Need Transportation |
Stewardship Committee |
Newcomers Welcome |
Teacher ________ Grade |
Substitute/Aide ________ Grade |
Confirmation |
Youth Group (Grade 7-12) |
Procurator (Money Counter) |
Funeral Dinners *Call *Serve (Circle) |
Launder Altar Linens |
Catholic Daughters |
Knights of Columbus |
Women’s Bible Study |
Nursery/Babysitting |
Web Page / Computer Tech (Circle one) |
Senior Luncheon |
Candidate |
Sponsor |
Catechist / Volunteer |
Building Committee |
Stations of the Cross Garden |
Flower Bed Care Rectory/Office |
General Maintenance Church/Rectory |
Snow / Ice Removal |
Please check any item you may be interested in and feel free to add any ideas or special service you can provide or would like to see provided:
Attend Mass: ______Saturday ______Sunday
Name: __________________________________ Home Phone: ______________________________
Address: _______________________________ Cell Phone: _____________ Other_____________
_______________________________ Email address: _____________________________